Jackie Chan was in town last week-end.
Not him...


fresh from her 18 month stint with the International Olympic Broadcast Organisation in Beijing; bearing tales of the recent Beijing Olympics.
Well it was an incident packed weekend.
It began as usual in Jim's Cottage, where we had some drinks with the usual gang. As the
Sith Lord had arranged a BBQ at his home, we got ready to leave at about 8pm. I got to my car, only to find that the battery was flat! Since no one had jump leads, we decided to call on
AAM to come to attend to the matter. As some of the gang was staying on for a further discussion, Wong decided to loan me his pick-up for Jackie and me to head for the BBQ, while they stayed on to to talk and wait for
With a squeal of delight, Jackie said, "It's a pick-up!! I'll drive!!!" So off we went to the BBQ. At the BBQ, news came that
AAM turned up without a battery!!! So the decision was made to leave the car overnight at the pub as Stephen had volunteered his
Kia as a loaner to get us home. (Unfortunately the keys to the 2 Beemers were kept securely out of sight!!)
As for the BBQ, the
Sith Lord had as usual provided far too much food, and although the food was
excellent, (those
excellent lamb sausages must be mentioned here) more food was left over then was consumed. Looks like the Tams will be eating left-overs for the next few days.
On Saturday, it was a slow start to the day. Having finally got our asses in gear, we had a Yong Tou Foo lunch; after which we got Dr. Ho, the mechanic, out with a replacement battery to get the car going, only to find that it was losing a little water, so the good Dr. took the car back to his work-shop to fix the leak.
Having done that, it was back to the flat for a little snooze, then the 6 million dollar question, "What's for dinner?" Jackie actually fancied some wine followed by some local coffee-shop food.
So we went over to Harpers, to find that the menu has changed. They're now more of a Tapas Bar, then a Wine Bar Restaurant. So obviously we had to try out the Tapas!!! We went for a selection which included a good Garlic Mushroom dish and an unforgettable pan fried fish with Wahsabi mash.
After Harpers it was off to "Siang Malam" for the Curry Wan Tan Noodles with the lot. (i.e. with additional Chicken, Char Siew and Siew Yok" Then it was off home for GnTs and the football. Naturally, we fell asleep watching the football.
As Jackie had to be home in Singapore for her nephew's birthday lunch, she had to leave early on Sunday, still with a full belly.
All in all an enjoyable and eventful weekend.