Tuesday, July 29, 2008
MacBook Air
MAHA Bowling Sunday, 27th July 2008
Batman - The Dark Knight

I've just got back from watching Batman- The Dark Knight; In fact, if you are going to the cinema only once this year, this is the film you should watch! Yes it was a great movie.
First of all, it's a long flim. Approximately 2 and a half hours as a matter of fact. This I did not appreciate when I went in to see it, so... since it was 6.30pm; I thought I'll bring a hotdog and a drink as it was close to dinner time. BAD IDEA!
Because after an hour and a half, when most movies would have ended, I needed to go to the loo. As the film was building to it's conclusion, yours truly had to hold on. Not much fun, I'll have to tell you. Anyway, it has worth hanging on.
If you had watch the first film, "Batman Begins", "The Dark Knight" has very much the same dark undercurrents. Absolutely no humour in it whatsoever, unlike the earlier films, remember Arnie as Mr. Freeze?
Obviously, one cannot review this film without mentioning Heath Ledger as the Jocker. With so much written about about how brillantly he played the part, one could not help wondering if all the adulation was because the chap is dead. All I can say is, what a way to go out. Leave them baying for more I say. It was an amazing performance. If you thought Jack Nicholson's Joker was good....though a little too manic and comic for me, Heath's Joker lay some where between Jack's manic Joker and Antony Hopkin's Hannibal Lecter. Actually just imagine Hannibal Lecter playing the Joker and you'll get the idea.
As for all the big action bits, they were excellent, however although they were large, loud and spectacular, they did not detract fom the plot or the darkness of the film. This was a "film noir" done Hollywood style.
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Gordon Ramsay's a Bully!!!!
South China Tour Day III Part II
Cannel with Koi
Next stop was the really a filler on this trip; it was a stop over at the "Banyan Islands- Bird Paradise"; basically a mangrove swamp with lots of estuary birds roosting in it.
South China Tour Day III Part I

Today, we are off to Jiangman, stopping by Kaiping and a few tourist sites. So after checking out of the hotel, we were all loaded into the mini-bus for what proved to be a long journey in the rain. Part of the journey was through an unpaved road which was disintegrating badly (known locally as the Massage Road), so much so that we were terrified that the mini-bus would get stuck. Not a great prospect, as it was really bucketing it down. Thank God it didn't and we made it to the "Stone Chamber Buildings". As it was still bucketing it down, we stayed in the mini-van until the rain eased off and umbrellas were bought from a budding entrepreneur.
Restored and rehabilitated, this site is registered in UNESCO's heritage list. This part of the world went through a period of turmoil, where because of desire of Western traders to establish a foothold in China, the rule of law was disrupted and anarchy ruled. Many of the homes built during this time were thus mini fortresses. Because of the strong influence of the West during this time, some of the building designs and especially the design of the furniture was Sino-Western. Much to my chagrin, as I have much nicer examples in my flat. Frankly, if you were looking for Sino-Western influence, there are much better examples in Malacca and Penang. However of much greater interest, is the defensive features built into the homes due to the background of banditry during the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries.
The UNESCO listed "Stone Chamber Buildings"
Reinforced Window Design to ward off bandits
To be cotinued....
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"Poulter punches the air and screams like a man who has just rolled over to discover he spent the night with Jessica Alba."
BBC Sport's Mark Orlovac at Royal Birkdale.
(Alex, Hong Kong)
(In the interests of transparency, BBC Sport would like to point out that Mark Orlovac has never spent the night with Jessica Alba - Ed)
Celta Certificate
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tiling Works II
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
People First
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Personal Best
Monday, July 21, 2008
Chinese Highways
New Pics
I've managed to get the Sith Lord's pictures of our trip of South China on Saturday night. Having reviewed them,(including the one of me with the carps featured in the title of this blog) they seem much better then mine.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
South China Trip - Day II part 3
After lunch at an upmarket hawker centre attached to a 5 star hotel, we then moved on to the Qinghui Garden which used to be the mansion of Huang Shijun, the head bureaucrat of the fiefdom. It was definitely the most spectacularly artistic of all grand buildings we visited on
Filial Duty
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
South China Trip - Day II part 2
South China Trip - Day II
Tiling Works
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Kids Birthday Party
Sunday's Cinematic Marathon

To celebrate the opening of Golden Screen Cinema's new 10 screen cineplex in Dataran Pahlawan, I decided to go on a cinematic marathon today.
Starting at 12.20pm, I went over to watch Wanted.
It was a throughly enjoyable all-action film, lots of whizz bang action very reminiscent of a John Woo movie. You know shooting bullets out of the air etc.
Lots of great action, great stunts but not much of a plot.
The highlight was Angelina Jolie who was HOT! HOT! HOT!
The let-down was James McAvoy who has the same annoying and whinging characteristics of Nicholas Cage.

Amnesty international may investigate goings on at Manchester United!!
From the ManUtd.com forum:
"Following recent reports of slavery at Manchester United, it is has been hoped that amnesty international will perform a full enquiry of these accusations. The working conditions at old trafford in particular are thought to worry amnesty, shocking revelations may include:
* last season players forced to lift heavy objects above head height (namely trophies) on many occasions; Amnesty have announced that the same claim was levelled at Liverpoo football club, but was found to be entirely untrue and a reprensentative from Liverpoo said " Its been so long since we won any trophies i doubt we'd know what to do with them". Some players may transfer to spanish clubs to free themselves from this problem.
*wages being paid in £50 notes instead of £20 notes. in one case a player only earning £120,000 a week, was forced to push for a rise to £150,000 per week so that he can still have his weekly swim in his money. The same player may seek a transfer as he considers Euros much bulkier and easier to swin in.
*Signing a contract and having to stick to it.
* The pitch at Old Trafford being particularly uncomfortable. One player who spends a lot of his time lying on the pitch has resorted to banging the ground in order to soften it up or crying, both of which he is very good at.
* In one extreme case a player was forced to listen to over 75,000 people sing his name over a period of 9 months!!!! He appealed to be allowed to wear ear protectors, but his requests were denied, the player now feels that his only option is to move to Real Madrid where they wave white hankerchiefs to show their support!!
These shocking revalations need to be investigated!! if any manchester united fan reading this would like me to relay any shocking reports that they have heard about the goings on at Old Trafford or would like to comment on the ongoing travesty please reply
Breaking News
A local university has declared it may change the name of its student union hall from the mandela hall to the cristianoronaldo hall, a statement said " Nelson was a symbol for freedom for a generation, now we hope that Ronaldo is granted his freedom as well from the great oppression that has befallen him" the students has confirmed that the freecristianoronaldo marches will begin in freshers week next year and that the proclaimers have been approached to sing the "FREE CRISTIANORONALDO" song.
Hopefully this can bring a smile to peoples faces, we haven't had much to smile about, its all a bit of fun so i hope the mods leave it up for while or even contribute, thanks"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Horticulture in Malacca

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
International Treasures
The Value of Pi
Lavatorial Humour

See if u can write better poems than these!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Fwd: Poems found in toilets
Excellent poems by not so famous poets... found on toilet doors and walls.......
A budding poet trying his best...
Here I lie in stinky vapor,
Because some bastard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie, or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.
Before he graduated to be a poet, he wrote this...
Here I sit
Broken hearted
Tried to shit
But only farted
Someone who had a different experience wrote,
You're lucky
You had your chance
I tried to fart,
And shit my pants!
Perhaps it's true that people find inspiration in toilets.
I came here
To shit and stink,
But all I do
Is sit and think.
There are also people who come in for a different purpose...
Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to shit and stink,
But I come
here to scratch my balls ,
And read the bullshit on the walls...
Toilets walls also double as job advertisement space.......
(written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line, the Singapore Fire Department wants you.
Ministry of Environment advertisement.
We aim to please!
You aim too! Please
On the inside of a toilet door:
Patrons are requested to remain seated throughout the entire performance.
And finally, this should teach some a lesson...
Sign seen at a restaurant:
The hands that clean these toilets also make your food...please aim properly.
Apparently, other parts of the bath-room has caught his attention.
Unesco Listing
I just hope that this will force the Malacca state government from further degrading Malacca's heritage to a stage where we may eventually obtain Disney's Heritage Status!
Well at least it's good for business.
Portmenteau Word
You may read further on the subject by checking out this link at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau
Some examples of Portmenteau Words or Frankenwords are:
Brunch: Breakfast and Lunch
Trunch: Tea and Lunch
Bragellina: Brad and Angellina
Scrummy: Scrumptious and Yummy
Don't: Do not
Just thought that some of you may find that interesting, it certainly tweaked my interest. But then again I'm a geek!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Brief Thoughts
Chinese Sign-boards Revisited
Penang (July 2008)

After the Man United dinner, it was off to Penang to catch up with the other Robson, Kingsley, an old friend who was at Equatorial Hotel, Malacca; who is now the General Manager of the Dorsett Hotel in Georgetown, Penang.
Bryan Robson Comes Calling
The Grange

After a little hiatus in Penang (report to follow), July began with a bang.