Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jim's Merdeka Barbeque Mash

As it's the Independence Day weekend, someone (not sure who) decided that it would be a good idea to have a Barbe in the Pub. Well actually, the Webber was set up behind the pub, not actually in it.... but that's me being pedantic again.  
So there I was on a Friday afternoon, peeling 20 extra large spuds to make Mash Potatoes to feed 20 persons. By 7 pm the Mash was ready, so off to Jim's I went to be greeted by the gang, who all surpassed themselves this time around.

There was a Tomato and Onion soup from Mr Koh (though I'm sure Mrs Koh made the soup); the Sith Lord set up the Webber and smoked chicken, sausages and some wonderful lamb chops to go with some equally good onion sauce; Mr Goh brought the briquettes(?!!?); Bee Yen (the proprietress of Jim's) provided the salad; Doreen provided not 1 but 2 outstanding desserts, a lemon tart and a custard caramel; Mr Wong the fruits and I provided the "would you like some potatoes with your butter" type of mash.  

The Sith Lord lording over the Webber

Mention must also be made of the aperitif, a Cloudy Bay 2005 provided by the Sith Lord. Oh yummy!!!

Doreen: Please Sir... may I have more Tomato soup?

All this followed by some wonderful coffee. Oh... what a meal!!!



GxDrax said...

Some people simply don't appreciate the gravity of simple things. Without the briquettes, there would not have been a BBQ. Food yes, BBQ no.

The great San Francisco gold rush was made possible by the shovel. (Or as our hardware man wold say, a spade. Always call a spade a spade, he says.) The shovel/spade transformed the western USA, just as my briquettes transformed the evening.

cincaluk said...

You could say that you really lit up the evening!!!

cincaluk said...

Oh dear, that was really corny.

cincaluk said...

Further to the gxdrax's (the sage on the sofa) comment regarding calling a shovel a spade; I wouldn't normally disagree with our hardware man; however, from the English teacher's point of view; there is certainly a difference; as one would not spade bull-shit, but one can certainly shovel it in spades!!!

Grammatically, a spade is normally only used as a noun, however, a shovel is commonly used both a noun and a verb.

If however, you insist on using "to spade" as a verb, it actually means to dig up or to cut up. To shovel would mean to move or throw around

So technically there will be a difference in the shape of a spade and a shovel; the blade of a spade would be straight with a sharper end, whilst a shovel's blade would be a little more cupped.

Now how's that for being anal!!!!