Saturday, September 6, 2008

Of Spades and Shovels

With all the discussion at Jim's regarding my reply to Ser Heng's comment regarding Spades and Shovels, I reckon the comment deserves it's own post. So I've copied the reply below.

"Further to the gxdrax's (the sage on the sofa) comment regarding calling a shovel a spade; I wouldn't normally disagree with our hardware man; however, from the English teacher's point of view; there is certainly a difference; as one would not spade bull-shit, but one can certainly shovel it in spades!!!

Grammatically, a spade is normally only used as a noun, however, a shovel is commonly used both a noun and a verb.

If however, you insist on using "to spade" as a verb, it actually means to dig up or to cut up. To shovel would mean to move or throw around

So technically there will be a difference in the shape of a spade and a shovel; the blade of a spade would be straight with a sharper end, whilst a shovel's blade would be a little more cupped."

Ah.... the things we talk about when the whisky flows.

1 comment:

GxDrax said...

Check out my update at GXDRAX.