Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dispencing Penicillin

God!!! I feel old...

This weekend, I was speaking to a young lad who having just got back from his studies in the States, was having a whinge about the red tape in Malaysia.

Although I had very similar feelings when I first got back from England, my advise to him was to ignore the small imperfect things in life and address the things in life he really cares about. For in this world, there is not enough time to address all the ills of life. I used the analogy of Alexander Fleming's discovery of Penicillin; for if Fleming had to address all the issues with equipment (e.g. inventing test -tubes, microscopes etc) before he began to do proper research, he would never have made such a discovery.

Looks to me that I tend to use analogies as a teaching tool. One may even say that they are parables. Would they then be Parabolic Analogies??? ;-) Or am I going around in circles again?

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