Held in the ever popular tourist trap, Jonker Walk, it had all the credentials of being a good Saturday night out; however; in my personal opinion it fell a little flat because:
1. Drinks & beers were very difficult to get hold of. One had to leave the music, to buy drinks from the surrounding shops. Mark, maybe next year you could arrange for Carlsberg to organize some promoters to act as waitresses for the nearby shops?
2. The crowd did not understand the music.
3. As the event clashed with the San Pedro Festival in Portuguese Square; the music loving portuguese community was ill represented in Jonker Street.

4. It was HOT! HOT! HOT!
5. The Straits Meridian Logo was obscured by the band.

Mark Ruffin; organizer of the festival. Ser Heng & Christine

Have just been sent this link to Mark's videos of the event. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/user/jonkerwalkfest
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