Monday, September 29, 2008

Ops Sikap ala Marmite

Malacca, Today: In the 22 days since Ops Sikap was launched the daily "accident" rate has been declining, according to Chief Inspector Salve of Marmite.

"You know ah..... when we first started this operasi, the "accident" rates were very high. The ones involving puddles were in multiples of three, while the more solid ones were occurring daily."

"Sekarang, "puddle accidents" average about one a day, with "solid accidents" almost eliminated. Semua dah kurang dah!"

Yesterday, due to the "balik kampung" weekend and the subsequent increase in traffic volume, there were an accident of each type. "What to do... you know lah....weekend drivers lah!"

"We hope that as the driver of the dump truck matures, all accidents will soon be a thing of the past."

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